Community Development Council
The Community Development Council is an advisory body to the Community Opportunity Alliance’s Board of Directors. The Council’s purpose is to share perspectives based on members’ areas of expertise, offer high-level guidance and infuse new thinking for our work, raise our visibility, and expand our reach and impact.
Daniel Davis, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Ann Finnegan, Grow America
Colleen Flynn, Build Healthy Places Network
Andy Fraizer, Community Foundation of South Jersey
Rita Gibson, Georgia Advancing Communities Together
Kari Johnson, Metropolitan Consortium of Community Developers
Michelle D. Johnson, Kresge Foundation
Sharon Legenza, Housing Action Illinois
Jeremy Liu, Creative Development Partners
Joe McNeely
David Noble, Paramount Bank
Don Phoenix
Jolan Rivera, University of New Hampshire
Rick Sauer, Philadelphia Association of Community Economic Development Corporations
Heidi Schoonover, Truist
Jamie Schriner, W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Sarida Scott, Skillman Foundation