Become a Member

Be part of our dynamic community development alliance. Together, we are committed to creating opportunities for all communities to thrive. View our membership benefits.

Association Membership

Associations that serve housing and community development organizations may join as voting members of the Alliance. These city, state, regional, and national associations elect members of our Board of Directors, approve amendments to the Alliance’s by-laws, and the like. As a member, your association will have access to data from our detailed census of community development associations across the country, showing how they approach governance, membership and capacity building, advocacy, salaries, and more. Join now.

Budget Dues
$250,000 and under $250
$250,001 – $500,000 $500
$500,001 – $750,000 $750
$750,000 and up $1,000


Affiliate Membership

Organizations that are engaged in community development work and those who support the mission of community development may join as affiliate members. This is a non-voting membership. Join now.

Annual Dues:

  • Nonprofit organization       $100
  • Government entity             $450
  • For-profit organization       $750

Individual Membership

Individuals who are engaged in community development work or support the mission of community development may join as individual members. This is a non-voting membership. Join now.

Annual Dues:

  • Individual                       $75
  • Student                          $25

Membership Benefits

  • Have a voice in the nation's capital. We are stronger and more effective when we are united to advocate for the communities we serve. The Alliance will alert you when Congress is considering legislation with a major impact on community development and when important changes to federal regulations. We'll advise you on how to advocate effectively. 

  • Connect with peers across the country. Participate in virtual and in-person convenings. Learn about strategies, successes and challenges of community development organizations across the nation. Members get priority for scholarships to our events. Voting members can connect with their peers through our listservs.

  • Stay up-to-date on industry news. We’ll keep you posted on federal policies and programs, the latest research, best practices from around the country, funding and capacity-building opportunities, job openings, and more.

  • Post a job opening on our website. Members can post a job opening at no cost. Contact Communications Director Suzanne Gunther at [email protected]

  • Be part of the community development movement. Together, we are working toward a future where residents can shape the destiny of their neighborhoods, securing their long-term stability, health, and prosperity.