Community Development Funding
Capacity Building Fund | TD Charitable Foundation — Deadline 5/20/2025
Funds nonprofit organizations that provide essential services like job training, arts programs and housing assistance. Provides grants for training, talent, tools and tactics to further help their programs succeed in CT, DE, DC, FL, MA, MD, ME, NC, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, SC, VA, and VT.
Community Facilities Direct Loan & Grant Program | U.S. Department of Agriculture — Open Year Round Provides affordable funding to develop essential community facilities in rural areas. Funds can be used to purchase, construct, and / or improve essential community facilities, purchase equipment and pay related project expenses. Community-based non-profit corporations, public bodies, and federally-recognized tribes are eligible to apply.
FY 2023 EDA Public Works and Economic Adjustment Assistance Programs | U.S. Department of of Commerce — Rolling Deadline Funding Opportunity: PWEAA2023 - Provides support for economic development activities most useful to a community based on its needs and circumstances, from planning and technical assistance to construction of infrastructure. Public and private non-profit organizations or associations acting in cooperation with officials of a political subdivision of a State are among the eligible applicants.
T-Mobile Hometown Grants Program | T-Mobile — Rolling Deadline Funds up to 100 towns a year with project funding to help build stronger, more prosperous small towns and rural communities. Eligible applicants include nonprofit organizations.
Grants Enhance Communities in the Upper Midwest | Otto Bremer Trust — Multiple Grant Cycles a Year Seeks to support the continued growth of healthy, vibrant communities in Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, and Wisconsin. Provides general operating, program, and capital grants to nonprofit organizations and governmental entities to improve lives in the region. Supports programs to address housing, food security and hunger, wellness and healthcare, literacy, youth, and workforce training and more.
Norman Foundation Grants | Norman Foundation — Rolling Deadline Supports community programs and initiatives that promote environmental, economic, and social justice. Funds may be used for projects, general support, and collaborative efforts, as well as to build capacity for organizations working in the Foundation's areas of interest. Priority is given to organizations with annual budgets of under $1 million.
The Kazanjian Foundation Grant Program | The Calvin K. Kazanjian Economics Foundation — Deadline September 10th & October 10th annually Current funding interests include, but are not limited to, economic education initiatives to underrepresented and under-resource communities and entrepreneurship education.
Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program | HUD — Rolling Deadline, Non-competitive Allows local governments and states to leverage up to 5 times their current CDBG grant into federally guaranteed loans large enough to pursue physical and economic revitalization projects capable of redeveloping entire neighborhoods. Public investment such as Section 108 loans can spur private economic activity, providing the resources or the confidence that private firms and individuals may need to invest in distressed areas. HUD’s Financial Management Division provides 1-on-1 Technical Assistance for interested borrowers.
Truist Foundation Grants | The Truist Foundation — Rolling Deadline Supports sustainable development of programs focused on building career pathways to economic mobility and strengthening small businesses. Capital campaign requests may be considered if in alignment with foundation priorities.
Community Possible Grant Program | US Bank Foundation — Rolling Deadline Grants to non-profit organizations in 25 states served by the Bank that advance the following funding priorities: artistic and enrichment learning, workforce education and economic prosperity, and focusing on neighborhood stability and revitalization. This year, the Foundation is moving to an invitation only application; however, it will accept letters of interest to identify organizations with unique and innovative programs that fit within its areas of interest.
Grant Program | Community Heart & Soul — Rolling Deadline Provides $10,000 in startup funding for resident-driven groups in small cities and towns with populations of 2,500 to 30,000. Requires a $10,000 cash match from the participating municipality or a partnering organization.
Fund For A Just Society | Unitarian Universalist Foundation — Rolling Deadline Supports groups that meet all 3 of the following criteria: 1) uses community organizing to bring about systemic change leading to a more just society; 2) mobilizes those who have been disenfranchised and excluded from resources, power and the right to self-determination; 3) has an active focused campaign to create systemic change.
Rapid Response & Community Protection Resources | Emergent Fund — Rolling Deadline Focuses on grassroots organizing and power building in communities of color that are facing injustice and discrimination.
De Colores Rapid Response Fund | Rolling Admission Supports organizing in U.S. grassroots communities, with a focus on communities of color, poor and working class, and the effects of in-the-moment issues.
Community Facilities Fund | Rural LISC — Rolling Deadline Offers technical assistance and predevelopment grants to Rural LISC partner organizations in areas with populations under 20,000; preference for high poverty or persistent poverty areas.
Community Giving Grants | Wells Fargo — Rolling Deadline Funding priorities: housing affordability, small business growth, and financial health.
Product Grant Program | Cisco — Rolling Deadline Donates networking technology to qualified nonprofit organizations to help them realize significant gains in productivity, scalability, and cost-efficiency. Grants prioritize the following social investment areas: critical human needs, access to education, and economic empowerment.
Non-Profit Training Resource Fund | TD Bank — Rolling Deadline Professional education grants for employees of community-based organizations on the East Coast that focus on affordable housing, economic development; financial literacy, and after-school or extracurricular programming.
Citizens Bank Corporate Giving | Citizens Bank Foundation — Rolling Deadline Programs focused on one of three funding areas: reducing hunger, financial literacy, and local economic development. Available to nonprofits in Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, upstate New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont.