Listserv Instructions
Our listservs connect association members to peers at community development associations across the country. Use the listservs to ask questions, share suggestions and challenges, and stay connected with others doing similar work.
You can contact listservs by sending an email to the addresses listed below. You must be subscribed to send and receive listserv messages. To manage your listserv subscriptions, go to your Member Profile and click My Features → E-lists.
Job-Related Listservs:
Geographic Listservs:
Eastern Regional Caucus
Southern Regional Caucus
Midwest Regional Caucus
Western Regional Caucus
The listservs are not moderated, which means all posts will be immediately sent to the group of subscribers. Please use common sense on what you send to a large group of peers.
All replies to listserv emails will go to the entire group. If you want to discuss the message with only one person, forward the message to that person.
Please stick to the theme of the listserv (e.g. don't post a message about your event in California on the Eastern listserv).