Shelterforce   The Only Tool in the Box: What It Means That LIHTC Dominates Affordable Housing | 12/8/23
Shelterforce   What Is a Community Development Corporation? |12/6/23
Shelterforce   CDCs Are Having a Moment. Can the Momentum Last? | 10/7/22
Shelterforce   Community Development Field Is Resilient, But on the Edge 8/29/22
Shelterforce   What Happened to Those Build Back Better Housing Investments? 5/5/22
Shelterforce   How an Obscure HUD Definition Is Leaving Housing Dollars Unspent 4/27/22
Shelterforce   Is an Infrastructure Investment in Housing on Its Way? 7/28/21
Next City   Illinois Will Now Grade Credit Unions and Mortgage Companies on Their Commitment to Fair Lending 5/11/21
Shelterforce   Finance and Chill? Big Tech Flirts with Community Development 5/5/21
Milwaukee Neighborhood News Service  Post from Community: U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin introduces American Opportunity Accounts Act 2/9/21
WTN22  Sen. Coons, colleagues reintroduce tax credit to encourage revitalization of distressed homes | 1/29/21
Shelterforce  How Democrats Can Fix the Affordable Housing Crisis 1/22/21
Redbird Impact  Stevenson Center Fellows draw inspiration from annual housing conference 12/10/20
Nonprofit Quarterly  Will Federal Regulators Gut Community Development under Cover of COVID? 4/8/20
Shelterforce  Redlining Would Be Relegalized by CRA Reform Proposal 1/9/20